Library Circulation Policies
Borrowing Privileges
Saint Louis University students, faculty, staff, and courtesy borrowers with current identification cards may borrow books. A current Saint Louis University I.D., a MOBIUS member-school I.D., or courtesy card is required for all borrowing transactions.
博彩网址大全 I.D. holders may:
- Check out circulating materials
- Enter the library without having to sign in
- Add money to the card for copying and printing purposes
All cardholders are responsible for abiding by the rules and policies of the library from which books are borrowed and for any fees or charges accrued.
Loan Periods for Library Items
Undergraduate Students
Material Types | Loan Periods | Number of Renewals | Maximum Checkouts | Fees | Bills |
博彩网址大全 Books | 21 Days | 5 | No limit | -- | $120 |
MOBIUS/MERLIN Items | 28 Days | 2 | 20 items | -- | $120 |
Media Items | 14 Days | 1 renewal | No limit | -- | $140 |
2-Hour Reserve Items | 2 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Hour Reserve Items | 3 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Day Reserve Items | 3 days | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
Journals/Periodicals | No checkout | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Graduate Students/博彩网址大全 Staff
Material Types | Loan Periods | Number of Renewals | Maximum Checkouts | Fees | Bills |
博彩网址大全 Books | 120 Days | 2 | No limit | -- | $120 |
MERLIN Items | 120 Days | 2 | 20 items | -- | $120 |
MOBIUS Items | 28 Days | 2 | 20 items | -- | $120 |
Media Items | 14 Days | 1 renewal | No limit | -- | $140 |
2-Hour Reserve Items | 2 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Hour Reserve Items | 3 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Day Reserve Items | 3 days | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
Bound Journals | 3 days | No renewal | No limit | -- | $120 |
Material Types | Loan Periods | Number of Renewals | Maximum Checkouts | Fees | Bills |
博彩网址大全 Books | 120 Days | 10 | No limit | -- | $120 |
MERLIN Items | 120 Days | 2 | 30 items | -- | $120 |
MOBIUS Items | 28 Days | 2 | 30 items | -- | $120 |
Media Items | 14 Days | 1 renewal | No limit | -- | $140 |
2-Hour Reserve Items | 2 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Hour Reserve Items | 3 hours | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
3-Day Reserve Items | 3 days | No renewal | No limit | -- | $125 |
Bound Journals | 3 days | No renewal | No limit | -- | $120 |
Pius Faculty/Proxy Check-Out Permission Form
Courtesy Borrowers
Patron Types | Loan Periods | Number of Renewals | Maximum Checkouts | Fees | Bills |
Visiting Faculty/Scholars | 21 Days | 3 | 10 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Mobius Visiting Patrons | 28 Days | 2 | Varies | -- | $120 |
Library Associates | 21 Days | 3 | 20 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Missouri Province Jesuits | 21 Days | 3 | 4 Pius books | -- | $120 |
1818 High School Students | 21 days | 3 | 4 Pius books | -- | $120 |
1818 High School Faculty | 120 days | 2 | 999 | -- | $120 |
Upward Bound High School Students | 21 days | 3 | 4 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Concordia | 21 days | 3 | 10 Pius books | -- | $120 |
DuBourg Society | 21 days | 3 | 10 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Higher Ed. Consortium Faculty | 21 days | 3 | 6 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Infopass | 21 days | No renewal | 4 Pius books | -- | $120 |
Books that meet these criteria may be renewed online using the function of the catalog.
- are within seven days before their due date or later
- have not been billed for replacement
- have not been requested by another borrower
- have not reached the renewal limit
Patrons may also renew by email, telephone, or at the Circulation Desk. If a book has reached its renewal limit, it must be brought to the Circulation Desk to be checked in before it can be renewed again.
Overdue Books and Fees
The 博彩网址大全 Catalog View Your Circulation Record provides the due date of all books on loan to each borrower.
Overdue notices for billed books from all Saint Louis University Libraries are sent when books are 5 and 10 days overdue. After 30 days, overdue books are considered lost, and the borrowing patron will be billed a lost book fee.
Overdue notices for MOBIUS loaned books are sent when books are 7 and 14 days overdue. After 28 days, overdue books are considered lost and the borrowing patron will be billed a lost book fee.
All billed items are thoroughly searched before invoicing. Failure to receive a notice does not exempt a borrower from the responsibility to return books on time and is not grounds for the cancellation of fees.
Billed books and/or fees exceeding $50 will result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
Lost or Damaged Books and Replacement Charges
If material is returned in a damaged condition, the library will bill the borrower $100 for replacement cost and a $20 processing fee. Examples of damage can include writing or highlighting, food spills, water damage, Post-It Note usage, folding pages, tearing or removing pages, excessive heat or sunlight on media materials.
A borrower who has lost a book from any of the Saint Louis University Libraries will be charged for replacing the lost book. A borrower who has lost a MOBIUS book will be charged in accordance with the owning library's policies.
Library Holds on Registration, Transcript, and Diploma
All materials should be returned on time. Notices are sent out regularly to inform borrowers of overdue items. A "hold" may be placed on registration, transcript, and diplomas for all non-returned library materials and/or unpaid fees. All outstanding books and fees must be taken care of before graduation. Students are encouraged to check their library records by logging into their library accounts or by calling the Circulation Desk at 314-977-3087. All fees must be paid at the Circulation Department on the first floor of Pius Library .
Requesting Books
All circulating Pius library books within our general collection are available for request online. However, copies with the status “Not Checked Out” will be available to requesters sooner if requesters can retrieve the items from the shelves themselves. Unretrieved holds will be filled by the next business day. Copies that are currently checked out will display a due date, and although patrons may request these items online, books may arrive to patrons faster if patrons request available copies through MOBIUS.
When books are received at Pius Library, the requesters will be notified to pick up the books at the Circulation Desk. From the notice date, 博彩网址大全 books are held for seven days, and MOBIUS books are held 10 days for pickup.
A book on hold for another patron cannot be renewed.
If a book has more than one hold on it, the normal check-out period may be shortened to serve the greatest number of patrons.
Students have a limit of 10 open requests at a time. If the student has more than 10 open requests, the student will be blocked from requesting additional titles.
All books are subject to recall. A book may be recalled after it has been on loan for a minimum of one complete loan period. Books needed for Course Reserve use will be recalled immediately. MOBIUS libraries may recall their books at any time.
Recalled book due dates will automatically change to precede the original due date. When a recall notice is received, the book is to be brought to Pius Circulation promptly to free a patron’s library account for further borrowing privileges. To substitute for a recalled item, request another copy online through MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan-ILLiad.
Searching Books
If a book cannot be located in the general collection, a patron can request a search to be placed on the item at the Circulation Desk. When found, the book will be held at the Circulation Desk for the patron, and the patron will be notified. The patron will be notified if the book is not found within five working days. If the patron still requires the book, he or she may request a copy of the book through the MOBIUS system or Interlibrary Loan.
For More Answers and Assistance
For questions about Pius Library Circulation services and policies, e-mail Circulation, call 314-977-3087 and ask to speak to a full-time staff member, or visit the Circulation Desk and ask to speak with a full-time staff member.